It’s never too early to incorporate healthy “Love Your Brain” habits. Back in 1983, President Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Month. So before November slips away, I’d like to share some tips on healthy habits for a healthy brain.
10 Ways to Love Your Brain compliments of the Alzheimer’s Association:
Hit the Books – Take a class at a college or online. Formal education helps reduce risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
Butt Out – Smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Once you’ve stopped, risk levels become comparable to those who haven’t smoked.
Follow Your Heart – Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke negatively impact your cognitive health.
Heads Up –Brain injury can raise the risk of cognitive decline and dementia so wear seat belts and helmets.
Fuel Up Right – A balanced diet that’s high in vegetables and fruit.
Catch Some ZZZZ’s – Not getting enough sleep may result in problems with memory and thinking.
Take Care of Your Mental Health – Seek treatment if you have problems with depression, anxiety or stress. Studies show they may contribute to cognitive decline.
Buddy Up – Being socially engaged may support brain health. And it’s fun too.
Stump Yourself – Challenge yourself with games of strategy or do something new that’s challenging. It will make you think!
Break a Sweat – Get moving with regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow. Physical activity reduces risk of cognitive decline.
If you’d like to learn more about alzheimer’s, a form of dementia, you can read more at
We make a variety of dementia related bracelets and we will include adults names for those that want them. Many folks won’t admit they have dementia but they do know they have “Memory Loss” so we have bracelets that say that instead. Since we custom make all bracelets, we can even put an adults name and address on the bracelet if requested for those who tend to wander off. It’s a serious condition so the more you know and can prepare, the better off you’ll be.
Until Next Time!
About the Author: Michele Redmon is the owner of I.C.O.E. Bracelets. She loves the peace of mind these bracelets provide to parents, grandparents and children. With customer service a priority, she loves talking to her customers so drop her a line at