With so much nastiness in the news, it’s time to focus on something positive.
This Saturday, March 23 is National Puppy Day – who knew? But everyone loves puppies so how do you celebrate or honor the day?
4 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day
- Hug your puppy or dog (or even a cat if you don’t have dogs).
- KnoxNews suggests adopting a puppy or older pet.
- Volunteer at an animal shelter to help out with the puppies or just donate to the shelter.
And the Final and Best Way to Celebrate…….
Just spend some time watching cute puppy videos – it’ll put a smile on your face.
Here are some fun puppy videos to watch. A Live Puppy Cam from ABC in San Francisco Channel 7 or Beagle Puppies, Fun Puppy Videos from You Tube. and Golden Retriever Puppies or Retrieves Make it Better and so many more to choose from.
So as the world goes spinning by with violence and mass shootings, just forget all about it on Saturday and celebrate National Puppy Day the best way you can. While this has nothing to do with emergency contact bracelets, I just wanted to put a smile on the face of our followers and subscribers.
Until Next Time!
About the Author: Michele Redmon is the owner of I.C.O.E. Bracelets. She loves the peace of mind these bracelets provide to parents, grandparents and children. With customer service a priority, she loves talking to her customers so drop her a line at mailto:mredmon@icoebracelets.com.