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Your Guide to the Next Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Perhaps restaurants have finally begun to open in your area, or maybe you’re wondering if you can make an appointment at the salon soon. With regions slowly rolling back stay-at-home orders that were implemented because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there can be a lot of confusion about how to stay safe and healthy while enjoying some semblance of normalcy again. Staying on top of the latest developments is the key to making the right choices for yourself and your household. These resources will help you stay informed through every step of the reopening process.

Facts and Statistics

Are cases declining in your area? Have social distancing efforts been effective? Stay up-to-date by checking out these guides.

  • See daily updates on confirmed and reported cases of COVID-19 around the world.
  • How many COVID-19 cases are in your state? Get the latest figures with this tracker.
  • Make sure you’re aware of the current restrictions on businesses and large gatherings in your state.
  • It’s easy for misinformation to spread, but don’t fall for these myths about COVID-19!

Essential Hygiene Tips

Everyone is eager to participate in their favorite activities again, but we can’t throw caution to the wind. Instead, take note of these effective hygiene tips.

  • With increased crowds out and about, wearing a mask correctly is crucial.
  • If you’ll be heading out of your house more often, it’s especially important to keep up with a daily cleaning routine.
  • Don’t skip hand washing! This guide will remind you of moments when you need to wash up.
  • Need certain pieces of furniture deep cleaned? Anticipate spending anywhere from $119 to $222.

Additional Health Concerns

COVID-19 is especially severe for immunocompromised people. As restrictions are relaxed, people with underlying medical conditions should continue being careful.

  • Diabetics should research appropriate treatment protocols for COVID-19 and take precautions in accordance with their increased risk level.
  • If you have asthma, follow these tips to protect your respiratory system during this pandemic.
  • If you are immunocompromised, consider purchasing a medical bracelet to give your loved ones peace of mind.
  • Create your own DIY cleaning products at home to avoid crowds at the grocery store.

It may be a while before life feels the way it did before the pandemic. In the meantime, it’s important not to take risks that could endanger your health. Instead, look to resources like these for guidance based on the latest research about COVID-19.

Blog complements of Sheila J.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
