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Happy Halloween

4 Ways to Avoid a Scary Halloween if you’re Diabetic

Halloween can be such a fun time! Because you get to dress up, paint your face, eat candy and other goodies.  It’s the candy and goodies that can be scary for parents of diabetics.  And adult diabetics for that matter.  As you know, diabetes is all about managing the disease.  And that means managing the flow of candy around Halloween.

4 Ways to Help Manage

To help take some of the scare out of all that candy, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation has published this guide related to the carbs tied to the various candies. Here’s the link

In Summary:

    1. Make a Plan – Decide how much candy you or your child can consume at what insulin level.
    2. Know your Carb Counts – Very interesting information for now and in the future. Knowing your carb counts will help you determine how much insulin to administer.
    3. Identify Treat Alternatives – Give some to the disadvantaged, buy it back in exchange for something the child may want.
    4.  Wear a medical alert like an http://icoebracelets.comproduct/medical-emergency-contact-braceletsDiabetes Bracelet, Type 1 Diabetes Bracelets, Type 2 Diabetes, Medical Bracelets

With all the candy flowing during Halloween and the upcoming holidays, it might be a good time to remind you of the signs and symptoms of Diabetes. http://icoebracelets.com2020/03/04/a-little-about-diabetes/

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween!  And feel free to share this blog with your friends.

Until Next Time!

About the Author:  Michele Redmon is the owner of I.C.O.E. Bracelets. She loves the peace of mind these bracelets provide to parents, grandparents and children. With customer service a priority, she loves talking to her customers so drop her a line at

