Halloween Safety Tips

Parental Planning Makes A Safe Halloween a Fun Halloween

Halloween for many is their favorite holiday no matter what your age. You get to dress up, act out your characters, eat sweets and treats and visit neighbors you normally don’t see. But there are real safety risks as children get excited and dart across dark streets with their minds on candy instead of watching for cars. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, kids are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than on other nights of the year.

Halloween Safety Tips
Planning Makes a Safe & Fun Halloween

Burns and cuts are also common on Halloween. And then there’s the candy: Almost two-thirds of parents think their kids eat too much of it around Halloween.

Before you start decorating your pumpkin and deciding on your costume, here are some Halloween safety tips:
Carve safely

  • Decorate with markers, glitter glue or paint. Let young children draw faces on pumpkins with art supplies. Leave any carving to an adult.
  • Use candles with care. Place candlelit pumpkins on a sturdy surface away from curtains and other flammable objects. Never leave candlelit pumpkins unattended or instead light pumpkins with flashlights, battery-operated flameless candles or glow sticks.

Safe Costume Choices

  • The brighter the better.Choose bright colors and flame-retardant materials. If your child will be trick-or-treating outdoors after dark, attach reflective tape to his or her costume or treat bag.
  • Size it right. In case it’s chilly outdoors, make sure your child’s costume is loose enough for warm clothing to be worn underneath — but not long enough to cause tripping. Avoid oversized shoes and high heels.
  • Skip the masks. A mask can obstruct your child’s vision, especially if it slips out of place. Use kid-friendly, nontoxic makeup instead.
  • Limit accessories. Pointed props — such as wands, swords and knives — might pose safety hazards. Carry flashlights or wear glowing wristbands instead.
  • Make sure your children carry some form of identification should they get separated from their group. An emergency wristband like those from icoebracelets.com have engraved emergency phone numbers so the child can show an adult their bracelet and call the parents. Lost children are often too upset to recall their phone numbers or address.

Hopefully these tips provide food for thought so you can make Halloween as safe for your children as possible. Have Fun!  Look for the next blog on adult safety tips to make the home trick-or-treat experience safe and fun.

Until Next Time!

About the Author:  Michele Redmon is the owner of I.C.O.E. Bracelets. She loves the peace of mind these bracelets provide to parents, grandparents and children. With customer service a priority, she loves talking to her customers so drop her a line at mredmon@icoebracelets.com.
