Certified Woman Owned Business

Woman Business Enterprise
It’s official – certified woman owned business

Emergency contact bracelets are made by many different companies but we are now a CERTIFIED Kentucky Woman Owned Business Enterprise. They often say “that and a buck may get you a cup of coffee” but it means more than that. Of course I’ve known all along we were a woman owned business because I own the majority and do most of the work. But to get the certification, someone from Frankfort, Ky, the state capital, came to our shop to check out our records, the manufacturing area, etc. All in all it took almost 9 months to complete . This was mainly because the approving board does not convene every month or two. So it took longer than normal.

Ready for Business!
The certification does help when you want to do business with public or private companies that also have contracts with the government. The government requires these companies to apportion 15% of their contracts to minority, women, economically disadvantaged enterprises. So if we bid on contracts we stand a good chance of getting the business. Now if only the state would have a great need for emergency contact bracelets, we’d be all set. But it’s good news for us so Stay Tunes!

About the Author: Michele Redmon is the owner of I.C.O.E. Bracelets. She loves the peace of mind these bracelets provide to parents, grandparents and children. With customer service a priority, she loves talking to her customers so drop her a line at mredmon@icoebracelets.com.
