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Read more about the article Hiring Autistic Workers – no need for medical id bracelets
Autism Emergency Contact Bracelet

Hiring Autistic Workers – no need for medical id bracelets

Tech Giants don’t need to ID Autistic workers No Autistic medical Id is needed at tech giants like Microsoft and SAP because they don’t see autism as a disability but…

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Read more about the article Random Acts of Kindness
Sharing Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Somehow the month of February was proclaimed the month to perform random acts of kindness. I love the idea ever since I saw an article in the paper in the…

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Great News for Type 1 Diabetes Research

Congress passed the Continuing Resolution on February 9 that fully funded the SPD – Special Diabetes Program. This is vital to the Type 1 Diabetes community as the renewal will…

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Show L.O.V.E. for Those with Food Allergies

For those with food allergies, holidays can be a scary time with all of the food that is typically involved in parties, events and social activities. Valentine’s Day is no…

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Speak Out About Allergies

Airline travelers inconsiderate of those with allergies I have to share a story I encountered months back. I was traveling on a major airline and in my row across the…

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